Thursday, June 20, 2024

Lost Website

My "" website has been taken from me. I do not know if I will be able to get it back. Find more on

Give us STRENGTH, find our way through bullets hidden in microwaves, and COURAGE, make a STAND that saves our lives and FREEs our land.

Friday, September 2, 2022

New Freedom's Peace Paper

Give us STRENGTH, find our way through bullets hidden in microwaves,
and COURAGE, make a STAND that saves our lives and FREEs our land.

Monday, August 2, 2021

For the Sake of Our Health

   By the 1980s there was a strong movement, toward the improvement of health, through reverting back to using natural plants for medicine, instead of man made pharmaceuticals. This movement is still thriving and growing, although there have been attempts to sabotage it, because using plants for medicine really is the safe and healthy way to go and people could feel this truth. Most people now know that (in general) using plants for medicine is healthier than pharmaceuticals, but many have still been being pushed into the opposite direction - thinking that "the doctor knows best," and most of the doctors have continued to prescribe only the pharmaceuticals. But the truth of the health benefits of using plants, instead of pharmaceuticals, can not be denied and even a growing number of doctors have been adding plant medicine to their list of cures and aids for their patients.

   I started using plants instead of pharmaceuticals, for my children and I in the 1980s. Since then I've learned even more about how good it is to use plants and how harmful many of the pharmaceuticals can be. I no longer have any trust in modern medicine and feel, with all of my heart and soul, that humanity must revert back to nature's plant medicine for the sake of good health on every level. I, as well as many other people, have felt this way for many decades.
   But now we are faced with the covid vaccine! Many people are protesting it, because it is not right to force people to put man made pharmaceuticals into their bodies...etc. What we put into our bodies should always be a personal choice and we should only choose what we FEEL is healthy, regardless of what other people believe or say.
   I imagine that many health conscious people are just as upset as I am about forced vaccines looming over our heads like a dark cloud that threatens to take away our rights, our choice, our freedom and possibly even our good health. Those of us who do not want the vaccine have been being guilt tripped and shamed and verbally degraded, and in some countries we are even losing many necessary freedoms, due to our choice to not put the extremely questionable new vaccine/pharmaceutical into our bodies!!! This is not right or fair and its even hurtful to us. These dark coercions and degradings should stop. The truth is that we are not stupid or careless or selfish, like what has been implied in many ways. We do not want the vaccines, because WE DO CARE - because we know that the pharmaceuticals and vaccines can be harmful and we want natural alternatives. We are wise. And many of us made this choice long before covid happened. 

 People who chose healthy natural plant medicine over pharmaceuticals made a VERY wise choice that came from genuine care and we should not be forced out of this choice.

Wise doctors have been saying that the healthier people are - the easier they can fight off any illness, including this covid pandemic. This is true. So, there should be a heavy focus on becoming healthier and on there being better food options in ALL grocery stores.
   Things like the old types of garlic are a natural cure for all sorts of viral and bacterial infections, but this has been being taken off the market and replaced with larger and far less potent garlic. The old effective garlic should be brought back and so should all the other older varieties of natural plants/produce that can help prevent and cure illnesses. This is the wise and healthy way to go. There should also be more doctors disclosing, and more public broadcasting of, the plant based diets, which became scientifically proven cures for illnesses since around 1950s. (The Kempner diet of rice and fruit is one example of these diets.)

Natural alternatives to the vaccine should be advertised and encouraged, just as much as the chemical vaccines have been, so that there is an option for people who care about themselves and others enough to want assurance of good NATURAL health and no possible side effects.

I feel sure that common plants can help us far more than the vaccines and other pharmaceuticals can. Here is a list of only a few of the masses of plants, which can prevent and cure viruses, especially when they are the old natural varieties. Your own research can come up with many more. Most of these plants are easy for people to quickly grow themselves and most of their leaves can be safely eaten raw. (Chew them very well, if you do not crush them.) They are very safe. I have eaten ALL of these and more; Cinnamon, Thyme, Dandelion, Goldenseal, Licorice, Ginger, Garlic, Sage, Fennel, Basil, Oregano, Lemon Balm, Peppermint...etc. Follow your own instincts or a wise herbalist's recommendations on how much to consume and how often. And keep n mind that the fresh herb is better than dried, so we should grow as much as we can ourselves. 

I've been consuming a lot of garlic, fresh lemon juice, ginger root and herbal teas. And I have also been eating mostly a plant based diet. I feel that, if the covid pandemic is really only a virus, this will protect me against it. Yes, I do question what covid really is and how bad it really is.

In our currently VERY troubled world, it is wise to question and make sure of what is real and true and good and healthy, because there has been a lot of misinformation and deception and ignorance, especially in the medical field.

   I have wondered, from the start, if the covid pandemic, and the vaccines for it, may be yet another part of the evil targeting of (and/or enslavement of) humanity. I have many questions... Was the pandemic really as bad as has been said or believed? Was it a cover for mass murder of targeted people? Will the vaccine be used as a cover for mass murder, either through harming those who had it or harming those who refuse to be vaccinated? Are the evil forms of "population control" still covertly happening to humanity?
   I know for a fact that certain types of microwave targeting can inflict the same symptoms as covid. And I know that much of the medical profession has been heavily involved with the targeting of masses of people and the enslavement of humanity, through things like nondisclosure of false illnesses, the implanting of microchips into targeted people (especially since around the 1950s) and through the prescribing of many types of pharmaceuticals, which intentionally aid mind control through blocking people's feelings and instincts and leaving them more susceptible to various types of brainwashings, including that which is done with radio waves. Is the covid vaccine yet another pharmaceutical that aids the mind control - the enslavement of humanity - the blocking of peoples hearts and instincts...etc? Do all people get the same vaccine or do targeted people (or less controllable people) get a different one? Are most of the victims of covid also victims of the microchipping and technological tortures?
   People who are aware of the evil covert targeting of humanity are also suspicious of covid and the vaccine and justly so, especially since the targeting has not yet been fully exposed and stopped.
   Is the opposite true? Are there good intentions with the vaccine? (Surely there are in most people who promote it, even if they are not aware enough or free enough to make good choices or recommendations.) Is the vaccine a covert attempt to help people deflect the radio wave targeting and the enslavement process? Or is it a real attempt to stop a real pandemic? If so, the vaccine still does not feel good or right to me. We must have healthy alternatives to the vaccines. I deeply feel that we do NOT have to be vaccinated, in order to be healthy, and that the opposite is far more apt to be the real truth.

No matter what may or may not be happening with the vaccine, we should ALL have the freedom to make our own choices for ourselves and we should not lose any other freedoms or be punished or degraded or shamed for choosing to consume healthy plants instead of pharmaceuticals/vaccines for medicine.

Please be fair and kind and considerate.

P.S. I believe that the pandemic and it's vaccines are most likely part of the evil targeting of humanity, or are at least being used by that force for many dark aims. Unfortunately, it appears that many of us will continue to be harmed and/or killed, no matter what we do or do not do, until officials are able to stop the covert targeting from continuing. All aspects of the evil targeting of humanity should be fully exposed and stopped, whether covid and the vaccines are a part of it or not, so that people can make wiser choices and heal from what has been done and be free and healthier on every level.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Just Regained Access to This Account

I just regained access to this account. The blog I have been using for the past year was at

A lot of mistakes were made in this blog, like in the previous one that I'd done a lot of posting on since 2011. So I have removed most of it from public view and am going to continue putting future posts on my new primary blog -

I have at least most of the important parts of my older primary blogs in my books which are being marketed by Barnes and Nobles and Amazon and are all on my poetic publications website - This puts them into a more solid and unchangeable format. I have still had some computer infiltration problems, but I can not remedy that until the targeting is stopped. Hopefully my books remain the way I wrote them and that any of my own mistakes will be excused, due them being written while I am in this situation of being heavily targeted and living in my vehicle.

All of the blogs and books I've written since 2011 are a stand for freedom from all aspects of the covert and technological targeting of humanity and healing from its effects. Hopefully they will help in this process.

My older writings, since the 1990s, are a call for the HEART of humanity to be healed so that the wars and discord and hate and vengeances and separations can stop and peace and compassion can take their place. To me, this is the most important thing. Since then, I have realized that the HEART of humanity must be set free before it can be healed. Hopefully freedom comes soon.

Found More Alterations to my Writings!

   I have again noticed changes in my past writings, due to those who infiltrate my computers and my life. My "Embracing Sadness" book is not what it was supposed to be either. One part that was changed actually promotes psychiatric pharmaceuticals, which is the opposite of my feelings and my intent with that book!!! A few months ago I also noticed changes in my "Hints of me in Poetry" book, where parts of some poems had been erased, loving parts! I'd pulled together and published several books during the same time of doing these in 2009 to 2011. I am now deeply concerned that all may have been interfered with. :-(

   My new "Road Missed by a Lyricist" book basically replaces my "Hints of me in Poetry" book. Its on Barnes and Noble. And I'll have to replace the others too, in time. Until then, please be aware that my older books are not what they should be. I hope the new ones remain the way my heart writes them.

My work, my life, my heart Torn so far apart! How could they?

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

My Personal Blog

Sharon Rose Poet Blog

I have started a new personal blog, at, but will not be doing much with it. My work and my writings are supposed to be about healing and the sharing of my heart, which is impossible under the conditions I am in. I am still living a car and still experiencing microwave weapon attacks and covert harassment.

Please send financial help if you can. I desperately need it, in order to survive and be able to take better care of myself. I also need the chance to get fully back onto my own feet.

Sharon Rose Poet
PO Box 383
Mont Vernon, NH 03057

Monday, March 9, 2020

The Importance of Heart


The more open our hearts are the more connected to God we are, no matter what religion we chose to follow and even if we follow no religion. All that blocks the Heart of humanity must be stopped ASAP.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Bit of Wisdom

We can not avoid the bad through deprivation of the good.
This can be applied to everything both inside and outside the targeting.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Calling All Hearts

This is a new version of my old "Calling all Hearts" paper.

Calling All Hearts
Last updated in 2019

    Most people are aware that radio waves can be shot, from space, down to their homes, businesses or whole communities for the purpose of internet access. But most people have not been aware that these technologies can be criminally used – that condensed beams of radio waves (microwaves) can also be shot into human beings, disrupting brain and body functions in ways that range from mild to lethal. I understand how difficult the information below may be for some people to believe, but please give it the benefit if your doubt. This is not a "theory" - it is a reality that has been having negative effects on most of humanity and humanity's awareness will help restore freedom and enable recovery to begin.
    Among many other things, certain types of radio waves shot into the human brain can inflict physical pain, mental numbness, confusion, unusual mood swings, forgetfulness, sleeplessness, brain-washings, human enslavement...etc. It is the root cause of most of the mental numbness, heartlessness, "mental illness", terrors and wars that now plague our world. Radio waves shot into other parts of the human body can cause physical pain, fatigue, autoimmune diseases - lupus, cancers, lung inflictions, thyroid problems, heart attacks, brain damage...etc.
   Masses of people, including children, have been being intentionally harmed or controlled, in various ways, through the past several decades. The suffering has been immense. This has already hit holocaust levels and must be stopped as quickly as possible, especially for the sake of our children - humanity's future. Criminal use of ground and space based technologies that emit and direct radio waves, and their aiding pharmaceuticals, is the most dangerous thing humanity has ever been face with and it must be stopped as quickly as possible.

President John F. Kennedy exposed part of this crisis when he said, “Today no war has been declared - and however fierce the struggle may be, it may never be declared in the traditional fashion. Our way of life is under attack... we are opposed, around the world, by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means… [This is] a challenge that confronts us in unaccustomed ways in every sphere of human activity."
    There is documented scientific proof that experiments, on the effects of radio waves (microwaves or scaler waves...etc.), being shot into the human body, began around the early 1900s by scientists like Nicola Tesla who ended up inventing the X-ray machine. Other uses of these types of technologies have been creating a holocaustal situation in humanity since then.
   Hints of the technological targeting leaked into the mainstream media, in the 1970s, when part of MKULTRA and Russia’s microwaving of the American Embassy were reported, but not much has been reported since then.
   The late Philip Coppens reported that "In April 1953, CIA Allen Dulles gave a lecture at Princeton University, detailing Soviet developments in the field of mind control. He stated they were out to control the mind of free men, both individually and collectively. . . Dulles proclaimed that the Cold War was moving into a new era of psychological warfare, which Dulles characterized as the battle for men's minds. "We might call it in its new form brain warfare.” "
      Veteran Author, Jim Keith had stated that, "Brain-computer radio communication has long been considered impossible by the majority of people and has consequently been relegated to science-fiction, but the fact is that the technology had been developed into reality by at least the 1960s…”  

   Technological mind control has been found to be most effective on people who are taking certain types of pharmaceuticals, like the antidepressants that have been being heavily pushed upon humanity. These types of pharmaceuticals were reported, in the main stream media in 2008, to have been found in at least 24 USA public drinking water supplies as well as in bottled water. The pharmaceuticals have been blocking people's senses and feelings, rendering masses of people unable to access their own instincts and intuition as well as extremely important feelings like compassion for themselves and others, and enables more success with technological mind control. It is vitally important, especially in children, that feelings and senses are not interfered with or blocked, because it is through embracing our feelings that we are able to grow into healthy and whole human beings. And it is through following our instincts that we are able to safely navigate our way through our lives.

   As this problem is faced, and people aim to restore freedom, it is vitally important that we refrain from all types of violence and be VERY careful to not misplace blame. Most of humanity has already been enslaved in varying degrees and must be set free as quickly as possible and part of the general mind control programing has already brainwashed many people into mis-judging instead of understanding, misperceiving instead of sensing, seeking revenge instead of peaceful resolution, hating instead of caring...etc. It has been pitting victims, loved ones, organizations, citizens and governments, countries...etc., against each other. Already, in a dark pretense to end this crisis, innocent people or organizations and victims have been being set up to be blamed, perpetuating the destruction. This must not continue this way! This must be stopped. The hell can't end through raising more hell. Victims cannot be helped through being hurt more.

GENUINE freedom can and should be gained through
 compassion and understanding and awareness and people,
 organizations, countries pulling together to help each 
other instead of fighting against each other. 

   Those who are fully responsible for this crisis are those who started it and have been hiding far behind the scenes and everyone whom they have used through either deceit or mind control are victims too. We must look with compassion toward even those have been used to hurt us. The wars must stop. They just have to.

Never, in the history of humanity, has there been a more crucial time for the
 HEART of humanity to rise into a strong, PEACEFUL, stand for Freedom.

    In another part of this crisis there is a secret society that has had people fighting in covert wars "for freedom", while actually being used to help destroy freedom. It appears that some members have been deceived into thinking it is a good thing. Other members are completely enslaved mind control victims, some of which whose deaths have been staged. They also use unaware people, who are not members - performing mind control on them at strategic times. The people whom they use are mostly (if not all) mind control victims to some degree. And they have been being used to surveil and harass, and even technologically torture their fellow human beings, especially those who have realized what has been happening but do not have enough support.

   In 2019 CBS news reported people being targeted in the U.S. Embassy in Cuba. The report said that they, "suffered serious brain injuries causing impaired vision and memory loss among other persistent symptoms. Now, we've learned that at least 15 American officials in China suffered unexplained brain trauma soon after."
    It was good to see part of the technological types of targeting come out into the main stream media, but we need it all out. This has not only been happening to officials in foreign countries, its been happening to common citizens who have been being assumed to be just "mentally ill". I'm surprised that New York times did not make this connection after the Cuba incident, because they did an article on torture victims - "Targeted Individuals" in 2015. Perhaps its yet to come.

    I beg citizens of the world, including government officials to please give this information the benefit of your doubt. Please copy and share this paper with as many people as possible. Gather loved ones and neighbors into supportive groups, stay calm and act peacefully. Do all that you can to help stop criminal use of radio wave technologies and the pharmaceuticals that aid technological mind control. Avoid the covert program/secret society and openly stand up for freedom. Follow your own Hearts and instincts above all else - hopefully they are intact. Pray or wish for and do all that you can to implement the restoration of our Freedom and safety.

Attention Officials; There may be modes of technological “protection” that have been a sly enslavement. And there may be filters, which bypass the low frequencies used for mind control, built into radio wave detection and blocking technologies. I hope this is investigated.

Find more information in my sixth edition of, "Technological Holocaust" on Amazon. (The one with a white cover, which can also be freely downloaded by anyone who honestly cannot afford it on

This information is based on things I’ve either witnessed, experienced or sensed since the 1970s. I am Sharon Rose Poet. I was previously known as Sharon LaBree and Sharon Buck. My pen name was Namatari Neachi, which was also my legal name for several years. My mailing address is Sharon R. Poet PO Box 383, Mont Vernon, NH 03057.

Poetic Publications

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Defy Satanic Forces

They want control,
Lets set us Free.
They want wars,
Lets live in Peace. 
They want hate,
Lets live in Love.
They want the dark,
Lets turn on the Light.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Free Choice

 A Free choice is also an educated choice 
and a choice is not a choice unless its free.

Monday, May 6, 2019

Remnants of the Heart Bud

Since they took down my website, I feel sad and like another important part of my work is gone. But its not completely gone. I have the Heart bud book and the Heart Bud blog.

Heart Bud Book (on Amazon)

Heart Bud Blog

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

About my Name Changes

   In short; I had legally changed my name from Sharon Buck (My married name) to my pen name, Namatari Neachi, in the mid 1990s, out of respect for my father, because he was so uncomfortable with my looking at and healing childhood things, that I felt he'd also have difficulty with my publicly sharing my writings about it.
   I later felt uncomfortable with the pen name I'd chosen and had hoped that another name change would help the targeting to stop. So, in 2007 I legally changed my name to Sharon Rose Poet. The Poet part came from my mother who used to call me the little poet when I was a child. The Rose part came from a poem my mother wrote for me, which was called, "Rose for Sharon". After I realized the scope of the targeting against my whole family and other loved ones, I decided to publicly share all of my names, so that my loved ones would be helped, which felt more important to me than any other issues. My maiden name is still Sharon Y. LaBree. . .always has been and always will be. Irregardless of what I am called I am still who I am.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Poem I Wrote in 2012

I don't want to be left to evil pretenses of helping hands.
I need to be comforted by those who can care to understand.
I don't want you to declare me insane for their hateful gain.
I need you to soothe my wounds instead of inflicting more pain.
I don't want you to watch from a silent distance while I die.
I need you here beside me as I pray to God and cry.

Give us STRENGTH, find our way through bullets hidden in microwaves, and COURAGE, make a STAND that saves our lives and FREEs our land.

Saturday, September 30, 2017